Flash Player 6.
The LocalConnection class lets you develop SWF files that can send instructions to each other without using fscommand() or JavaScript.
LocalConnection objects can communicate only between SWF files that are running on the same client machine, but they can be running in two different application. For example, a SWF file running in a browser and a SWF file running in a projector. You can use LocalConnection objects to send and receive data within a single SWF file, but this is not a standard implementation; all the examples in this section demonstrate communication between different SWF files.
In the same domain, since you won’t have to address issues related to security. However, if you need to allow communication between domains, you have a number of ways to implement security measures. For more information, see the discussion of the connectionName parameter in LocalConnection.send(), and also the LocalConnection.allowDomain and LocalConnection.domain() entries.
LocalConnection close connect domain send
allowDomain allowInsecureDomain onStatus