
Flash Player 5.

The Math class is a top-level class whose methods and properties you can use without using a constructor.

You can use the methods and properties of this class to access and control mathematical constants and functions. All of the properties and methods of the Math class are static, and must be called using the syntax Math.method(parameter) or Math.constant. In ActionScript, constants are defined with the maximum precision of double-precision IEEE-754 floating-point numbers.

Several of the Math class methods take the radian of an angle as an parameter. You can use the equation below to calculate radian values, or simply pass the equation (entering a value for degrees) for the radian parameter.

To calculate a radian value, use this formula:

radian = Math.PI/180 * degree

abs  acos  asin  atan  atan2  ceil  cos  exp  floor  log  max  min  pow  random  round  sin  sqrt  tan 

E  LN2  LOG2E  LOG10E  LN10  PI  SQRT1_2  SQRT2 
